Sub Regional Office, Surat,
Sub Regional Office, Surat,

Who's Who

Name: Sh. Ramji Lal Meena

Designation: Insurance Commissioner (West Zone)

Email Address:

Phone Number: 079-27582400

VOIP No: 20079001

Name: Dr. Cecil Christopher Khakha

Designation: Medical Commissioner (West Zone)

Email Address:

Phone Number: 079-27582400

VOIP No: 20079049

Name: Sh. Hemant Kumar Pandey

Designation: Deputy Director ( Regional Director I/C)

Email Address:

Phone Number: 079-27542400

VOIP No: 20079001

Name: Sh. Deepak Malik

Designation: Deputy Director I/C (Admin, Vigilance, O.L., General, PMD, Construction, IC-2, Recovery, CRI, Benefit, ICT Branches )

Email Address:

Phone Number: 0261-2730125

VOIP No: 20261001

Name: Dr. Paresh Acharya

Designation: State Medical Officer

Email Address:

Phone Number: 079-27582400

VOIP No: 20079028

Name: Dr. Ankitkumar Shah

Designation: State Medical Officer

Email Address:,

Phone Number: 079-27582400

VOIP No: 20079028

Name: Dr. Moh. Shahid Malek

Designation: Medical Vigilance Officer

Email Address:

Phone Number: 079-27582485

VOIP No: 20079050

Name: Sh. Manish Kumar

Designation: Assistant Director

Email Address:

Phone Number: +918826277088

VOIP No: 20261033

Name: Sh. Jnyanaranjan Behera

Designation: Assistant Director

Email Address:

Phone Number: +918108446622

VOIP No: 20261004

Name: Sh. Din Dayal Sharma

Designation: Office Superintendent / Legal SSO ( Legal Branch)

Email Address:

Phone Number: 0261-2730126

VOIP No: 20261005

Name: Miss. Vineeta Panchal

Designation: Office Superintendent ( Insurance-II Branch)

Email Address:

Phone Number: 0261-2730126

VOIP No: 20261023

Name: Sh. Amit indoria

Designation: Senior Translation Officer (Rajbhasha Branch)

Email Address:

Phone Number: 0261-2730126

VOIP No: 20261021

Name: Sh. Gupteshwar Prasad

Designation: Social Security Officer

Email Address:

Phone Number: 0261-2730126

VOIP No: 20261012

Name: Sh. Jigar Shah

Designation: Branch Manager

Email Address:

Phone Number: 0261-4615610

VOIP No: 50261004

Name: Sh. Inderjeet Kumar

Designation: Branch Manager

Email Address:

Phone Number: 0261-2531256

VOIP No: 50261003

Last updated / Reviewed : 2023-08-31



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  • 2. "Grievance Detail"के तहत "Others/Not Listed/Not Known" का चयन करें
  • 3. "Ministry/Department" ड्रॉपडाउन में ESIC चयन करें
  • 4. "Subordinate Department/Office" में क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय का चयन करें
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  • 2. In section "Grievance Detail" select "Others/Not Listed/Not Known"
  • 3. In the "Ministry/Department" Drop Down Select ESIC
  • 4. In "Subordinate Department/Office" select the Regional Office
  • 5. Provide details of the complaint
